Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Been a while since I stopped by. I was hoping that life would slow down just a bit but it never seems to do what we want. Keep getting thrown curve balls and trying to just keep swinging with them.

Since I last wrote a post I have been really busy reorganizing the house. My mom in law moved in the end of October and we had a lot of moving things around and emptying out rooms and just in general cleaning out stuff that we had accumulated over the years. Finally see a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully in the next month or two I will have my scrap space reorganized and more manageable so that I am actually able to play with all my scrap stuff.

Every now and then I have managed to squeeze in a bit of time to play with my newest toy, the gypsy. I love it and can't wait to have time to do more with it. I have uploaded my 64 cartridges and just begun designing some fun things.

This years resolution was to get rid of stuff that cluttered up my life. To say yes to those things that bring me joy and peace and say NO to those things that tended to just fill up my time.

So far so good.

Well for now I will get back to work but hope to see you all again soon .

Eva and my 2 cents worth

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chels and colton

chels and colton